Which is the best electric oven?

Which is the best electric oven?

At this point on your journey to an Energy Freedom Home you need to replace your gas oven with an efficient, safe and cost effective electric alternative1. But which is your best option?
By the end of this article you will be clear on the best oven category for your circumstances and you'll be able to move on to selecting the best product. To get there we will:
  1. Outline oven categories so you can understand your electric options;
  2. Walk through each appliance category so you can select the best one for your requirements
Not clear on your requirements and preferences? That's an essential first step! Head to our article, 'How can I get an all-electric kitchen?'

What are the alternatives to gas ovens?

There is one alternative to a gas oven, and that is electric! 

Electric ovens come with many different features, but they're all basically the same technology; a coil heated to red-hot by electricity, which then heats up a sealed oven space.


Oven categories

There are three oven categories to consider when replacing a gas oven; wall (aka "built-in"), free-standing (aka "range" or "stove") and bench-top (aka "toaster").

Wall and freestanding ovens

These are the ovens we see in most homes. They are permanently wired-in to your home electrics.




Bench-top oven

If you are on a tight budget and want to avoid the cost and complexity of wire-in appliances, a bench-top oven might be of interest.

This type of appliance can be plugged into any power point and can be stored off the kitchen bench-top to save on space. They are, however, limited in capacity.



How does each oven category relate to your current setup?

The best option depends entirely on your current oven, kitchen space and your budget. Starting with your current setup up, below we briefly summaries the benefits of each option.

Current setup: built-in gas oven


Built-in electric oven

Free-standing electric oven with electric cook top

Bench-top oven

Compatible existing cabinetry


Wide range of product options


High performance


Low cost options


Current setup: Free-standing gas oven with gas cook top 


Built-in electric oven

Free-standing electric oven with electric cook top

Bench-top oven

Compatible existing cabinetry


Wide range of product options


High performance


Low cost options


What are your options from here?

Swap like-for-like

It'll be a more straightforward project if you exchange your gas appliance for the all-electric alternative. 
If free-standing units are out of your budget, then navigate your options with expert installation advice with one of our Electrification Masterclasses. Check your Masterclass readiness now!

Decommission the gas oven and switch to benchtop

If you don't need to cook much or don't require a large oven, a benchtop unit will save you hundreds (or maybe even thousands) of dollars, both in purchase and running costs. If you want to save even more money, you don't even need to move the old appliance out; just get the gas supply capped by a plumber.

What's next?

Once you have selected the appliance category that is right for you, it is time to select the product that best fits your requirements.
If you're angling towards a wall oven, get moving with our article on choosing the best one.
Free-standing is the way forward? Find the best product with this article.
Budget conscious? You'll find a good option with our article on choosing the best benchtop oven.
If you are struggling with all of these considerations, join an Energy Freedom Homes Masterclass and learn to identify your needs, gain expert installation advice, and meet trustworthy tradespeople. Check your Masterclass readiness now!


1 Wood, T., & Dundas, G. (2020). Flame out: The future of natural gas. Grattan Institute. Retrieved  2022, from  https://grattan.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Flame-out-Grattan-report.pdf