You're tight on money (or space), but that's not going to stop you getting an all-electric kitchen! A toaster oven is a great option for you, but which one should you choose?
In this article, we will save you time by providing an overview of the technology and some considerations, before recommending the best option based on your requirements and preferences.
A brief overview of cooktop technologies
There are two types of bench top oven available, the compact (or 'toaster') oven and the glass convection oven.
The toaster oven is a mini version of a full-sized oven, while the glass convection oven is a big heat-resistant glass bowl with a lid that contains the heating element and fan.
Both types bake, roast, grill and toast, and some even have a hotplate on top – all this at a fraction of the price of a full-sized oven.
Can a benchtop oven be as good as a full-sized oven?
Benchtop ovens are compact and may use slightly less energy than a full-sized oven, but their small size rules out big cooking jobs – so it's dinner for two at most.
They get the job done, but when we tested them we found they aren't always the greatest at cooking. You can, however, get some OK results through experimentation.
Are benchtop ovens better than convection microwaves?
A typical convection microwave oven (or even just a microwave oven with grill element), offers more options and better cooking than a toaster oven. However convection microwaves are generally larger and more expensive – starting at about $500, but typically priced at $800 or more. So if you're here for budgetary reasons, we still think a toaster oven is your best option.
That's the 101 on toaster ovens. But which one should you purchase?
You're after a reasonable budget option
You're after a reputable benchtop oven
For a bit more money, RRP$599, the Smart Oven Air Fryer BOV860 by Breville comes highly recommended by Choice and has the best Choice community member feedback of all the toaster oven options. It also comes with a 2 year manufacturer's warranty. It's got a 12L capacity, which means you'll get a bit more in there than the AF1300 but you'll still be able to store it when you need bench top space.
What's next?
Hopefully you've picked out the best benchtop oven for your circumstances.
If you are now up to replacing a gas cooktop with an affordable electric alternative and you haven't started your research, have a look at our article
, 'Which portable cooktop should I buy?'
If you are all set with your planning for cooking appliances, take a moment to congratulate yourself! Cooking is the most personal of the Energy Freedom upgrades and so it is often the most difficult. When you are ready to move to the next area of upgrades such as hot water or space heating in your journey to an Energy Freedom Home, click
here to head to our planning article.
Want to fast-track home electrification? Join an Energy Freedom Homes Masterclass and learn to identify your needs, gain expert installation advice, and meet trustworthy tradespeople. Check your Masterclass readiness now!
Note: The recommendations in this article come from talking with real people and communities to identify a best-fit option for a range of priorities. We also do our research; each of the above recommendations is based on articles by Choice Magazine, ratings from Product Review and general consensus from the popular Facebook group, My Efficient Electric Home.